For years EM:RAP has been a subscription most EM registars and consultants have maintained but it seems to be getting even more comprehensive and what began as high level discussions of topics in EM is becoming an expansive set of resources that are potentially very useful to fellowship exam preparation.
CorePendium: EM:RAPs online textbook is very searchable and contains up to date, summaries of EM topics
Crunchtime provides an audio summary for most topics in EM and can be a useful resource while driving to work in the early phases of your preparation.
Other features such as EM:RAP’s monthly program, Emergency Medicine Abstracts, C3 project and EM:RAP HD are all very helpful supplementary material

Disclaimer: I do collaborate with the EM:RAP program on some of their monthly content, mainly via ‘Right on Prime’, however I genuinely think its an essential subscription for all exam candidates (if not all advanced trainees!)